Avantiums remuneration approach is designed to attract, motivate, and retain highly qualified and expert leaders, senior staff, and other employees. The Remuneration Policy supports the purpose, long-term development and strategy of the Company, while aiming to respect all stakeholders’ requirements and maintaining an acceptable risk profile. The Supervisory Board ensures that the Policy and its implementation are linked to Avantium’s strategic goals and objectives. The remuneration structure is aimed at achieving a balance between short-term and long-term results and objectives, and is designed to encourage behaviour that is focused on long-term value creation for all stakeholders, while ensuring that the highest standards of integrity and good corporate governance are maintained.
Shareholders at the 2024 annual general meeting (AGM) approved new remuneration policies for members of the Management Board and for the Supervisory Board. These came into effect retrospectively from 1 January 2024.
In designing these new policies, the Supervisory Board consulted advisory bodies and a broad range of stakeholders to achieve the right balance among the various viewpoints and interests.
Download the remuneration policies as approved at the 2024 AGM: