Corporate Governance

Avantium acknowledges the importance of good corporate governance and agrees with the principles of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. We recognize the importance of ensuring integrity and maintaining and enhancing an open and transparent communication with all stakeholders and other parties interested in our company. Here you can find our corporate governance related materials, as well as information about our Management Board and Supervisory Board.

Management Board, Leading the Company

The Management Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Avantium operations, subject to the supervision of the Supervisory Board. The Management Board formulates company strategy and policies and takes responsibility for internal control systems.

Management Board

Management Board

Tom van Aken

Tom van Aken

Chief Executive Officier

Boudewijn van Schaïk

Boudewijn van Schaïk

Chief Financial Officer

Supervisory Board, Supervising the Management Board

The Supervisory Board is charged with supervising the Management Board and the general course of affairs of Avantium, as well as assisting the Board of Management with advice, taking account of the interests of all the company’s stakeholders.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board

Edwin Moses

Edwin Moses


Michelle Jou

Michelle Jou

Margret Kleinsman

Margret Kleinsman

Dirk Van Meirvenne

Dirk Van Meirvenne

Nils Björkman

Nils Björkman

Peter Williams

Peter Williams

Committees of the Supervisory Board

Audit Committee

Margret Kleinsman, chair

Edwin Moses

Audit Committee Regulations

Remuneration Committee

Edwin Moses, chair

Michelle Jou

Nils Björkman

Remuneration Committee Regulations

Nomination Committee

Edwin Moses, chair

Michelle Jou

Nils Björkman

Nomination Committee Regulations

Industrialisation Committee

Nils Björkman (chair)

Dirk Van Meirvenne

Peter Williams 

Industrialisation Committee Regulations



The Avantium shareholders meet at least once a year for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”). Extraordinary Meetings of Shareholders (“EGM”) shall be held as often as the Management Board or the Supervisory Board deems desirable. Notice of general meetings shall be given no later than 42 days before the day of the meeting through publication of a notice on the website of Avantium.


The remuneration of the members of the Management Board is determined by the Supervisory Board based on the remuneration policy approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders.


Principles & Policies

Our Principles & Policies describe what we expect of everyone who works with or for Avantium, as well as what they can expect from us.

Articles of Association, Policies & Regulations

The Articles of Association of Avantium N.V. contain the internal regulations and by-laws covering procedure, shares, meetings, directors and other administrative issues.

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