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Products & Technologies

The Chemistry of Change — Our Blueprint for a Greener World

Portfolio of Technology Platforms and Products

At Avantium, we’re committed to creating innovative solutions to address the critical sustainability challenges in the chemical industry. Our cutting-edge technology programs within the polyester value chain are designed to transform biomass into chemical building blocks and green materials like plastics. These diverse yet complementary programs leverage our extensive expertise and aim to revolutionize the industry with clean, high-performance alternatives.


PEF is a 100% plant-based, recyclable polymer known for its superior quality and versatility in bottles, packaging, textiles, and more. FDCA, the essential component of PEF, is sourced from sustainable wood residues and is crucial for producing high-performance polymers.

CO2-based Polyesters & Chemicals

Using electrochemical conversion, CO2 is transformed into valuable chemicals, including the polymer PLGA. This innovative process utilizes carbon dioxide as a feedstock to create new materials while integrating sustainable practices.

PlantMEG & PlantMPG

PlantMEG is a 100% plant-based building block for PET and PEF. PlantMPG offers eco-friendly solutions for numerous industrial applications, while ensuring top-quality and high performance.

Avantium R&D Solutions

Our team excels in catalysis R&D, process technology, chemical process design, and pilot-scale operations. With state-of-the-art facilities and extensive expertise, innovative concepts are turned into market-ready solutions.


Explore Avantium’s comprehensive glossary to understand key concepts in sustainable chemistry and green materials.